COVID-19 Health Guidelines


The health fundamentals during COVID-19 are hand hygiene, physical distancing and record keeping.

During an inspection or auction agents need to:

  • ensure physical distancing of at least 1.5m between each person
  • allow at least four square metres of space for each person
  • promote good hygiene and provide alcohol-based hand sanitiser at all entry and exit points to the property being inspected, auction venues, and offices if the property is currently rented to someone else, clean high-touch surfaces such as cupboards and door handles after the inspection
  • use digital platforms where possible to avoid physical contact
  • keep records of contact details for all people attending open home property inspections and auctions so the person can be easily traced in case an attendee contracts the virus
  • ensure people with symptoms of illness (including mild cold and flu like symptoms) don’t enter the property
  • actively manage and limit the number of people entering small spaces
  • consider extending the time available for open house viewings and inspections
  • use outdoor spaces for auctions wherever possible to maximise physical distance between attendees, and consider using cordons where suitable